you can check this yourself here:
I do not think these people are cybercriminals. They are the best we got to help information preservation (next to the Internet Archive) in the 21st century.
The fact they had to mention that these people are Russian also strikes me as odd. They don't even seem to be government affiliated, I'm pretty sure the FBI would've said so if there was even a slight hint of that.
While OpenAI can freely use all copyrighted material and make billions off of it, these people giving it out for free are supposed “criminals”. Aaron Schwartz didn't die for this.
A submission to the parliament from our Amnesty Austria colleagues on the Staatsschutz- und Nachrichtendienstgesetz, Ă„nderung, which would (re)-introduce the use of spyware by the state
Ah, so regulations like GDPR hobble the competitiveness of EU tech startups, but giving their US competitors secret tax deals doesn't? Got it
: Hi can I buy a vacuum cleaner ?
Dyson : yeah ... uhh here you go
: By the way do you happen to know anyone who can make a megastructure around a star
Dyson : ur not gonna believe this
*advertiser spends billions a year and spies on me through 30 different apps*
"d-do you want to buy... *looks at my receipt for a GPU purchased yesterday* do you want to buy a GPU?"
Some very smart, talented, and creative friends of mine recognized that "herculean tasks" and "sisyphean tasks" seems a bit limiting, so they came up with some more.
I love these and have now collected them:
If you're confused by why The Guardian doesn't seem to know how to cover the far right, lemme tell ya something I learned not long ago.
Quick tread below
security researchers: "Here is poc for a new vulnerability. In order to actually exploit this vulnerability, you have to put two computers in the upper troposphere, make sure they both have the exact same brand of hard drive, turn them both on at the same time so the rng matches and then, once you have all that handled, you could abuse the rng to make an alert happen on the other computer. Right now it takes 257 tries to work but, with more research, we might be able to get it working more often than that as long as there's no cosmic rays bouncing off the RAM."
The downside of not having an internal monologue is that sometimes (three femtoseconds after waking up) that void is filled by Vengaboys playing on repeat.
My wife has a complaint about the Time Bandits TV series. In the last episode they travel to Bingley in 1996 and visit a goth party. She says there were only 5 goths in Bingley in 1996, she was one of them, and they didn't have parties.
“Asked to clarify the discrepancy, a spokeswoman for the organisation explained that when a member of the public submits a complaint in a writing, it is considered as an “informal complaint” in the first instance, under Waterways Ireland’s Customer Complaints Procedure.”
No need to worry about Waterways Ireland’s wildlife protection commitments when they are home to so many Weasel Words.