
0daystolive | @[email protected]

Opinions are those of my employer.
Computer Hacker.
Work @ https://sorcery.ie
Blog @ https://0daysto.live

Countries connected to their primary trading partner in 1960 VS 2020

Why do I keep having to explain the impact of RCE to triagers 😭😭😭 #bugbounty
Image where triager on hackerone asks "can you advise what is the risk here"

This should be a viral national story in . After this team unanimously unionized, Google refused to come to the bargaining table.

A resolution supporting the workers was brought to the city council. The day the workers showed up to testify on the resolution, Google laid off the entire team.

This was the precise instant when YouTube Music employees became aware that we had lost our jobs, as we were addressing the City Council.

This is happening because the propaganda necessary to run cover for an active genocide diverges so wildly from what journalists have been trained to expect from a news outlet that even the fairly establishment-loyal staff of the mainstream press are becoming alarmed by it. The New York Times’ coverage of Israel’s destruction of Gaza has been so blatantly biased in favor of US and Israeli information interests that it’s starting to shake people awake within the outlet itself — people whose unofficial job is to write propaganda for the US-centralized empire.


Israel is using atrocity propaganda to create public thirst for genocide.

Rape & rape in war are profound human rights abuses. Not excuses to encourage other atrocities, as the NYT did with its debunked piece assigned to a pro-genocide, anti-Palestinian freelancer who served in Intel for IDF.

Israel has been repeatedly found to have lied about certain events of Oct 7, but Instead of truly investigating each of these claims, US media has sensationalized & repeated them.

@zei_squirrel - 1h 
for those being linked this thread, some important updates: Anat Schwartz served in Israeli military's intelligence: 
twitter.com/ zei squirrel/s... 
NYT desperate to scapegoat her to absolve Jeffrey Gettleman, Adam Sella and themselves from responsibility: 

@zei squirrel - 6h BREAKING: 
The New York Times is reportedly going to fire Anat Schwartz, one of the lead "reporters" on not just their main "mass rape" atrocity propaganda hoax, but also sole author of several other NYT pieces regurgitating it, in a desperate attempt to salvage their reputation x.com/ryangrim/statu... 

see also the thread below destroying the pathetic desperate attempt by the NYT to scapegoat Anat Schwartz and pretend it's just a matter of social media etiquette. Btw, as the NYT hired her she kept working for Israeli state media. A literal propagandist 

[screenshot of LinkedIn page for Anat Schwartz showing occupation as "Director, Video Storyteller" and employer as KAN - Israeli Public Broadcasting]

I saw this online somewhere and I just had to recreate it. This is my coding happy place.

bladerunner's famous tears in rain monologue, but he says:

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

../ in fireeye. ../ in cisco. ../ in fortinet. ../ in juniper. ../ in, well no it was just / in connectwise i guess. so I guess that's only technically two things. but i've seen a *lot* of it.

"Fresh evidence of deadly unlawful attacks in the occupied Gaza Strip, gathered by Amnesty International, demonstrates how Israeli forces continue to flout international humanitarian law, obliterating entire families with total impunity."


When I posted this yesterday I had no idea what Thursday would bring: Canadian Federal government considering BANNING SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS because car manufacturers can't design keys that don't suck and the port lets cars be loaded by the dozen into containers.


@j_opdenakker To say that Monero has been compromised here is entirely untrue. In previous reporting on TheRecord and KrebsOnSecurity back in November 2022 they say the hacker was identified by including a copy of his home folder in the data leak. I think all they've done here is match up the withdrawn XMR amount from one account to a deposit of the same amount on another but they'd have both accounts anyway since Julius's arrest.

"Some of the very governments that announced they will cut off funds to UNRWA over these allegations have, in the meantime, continued to arm Israeli forces despite overwhelming evidence that these arms are used to commit war crimes and serious human rights violations. Rushing to freeze funds for humanitarian aid, based on allegations that are still being investigated, while refusing to even consider suspending support for the Israeli military is a stark example of double standards."

Snapchat instant messaging is insecure, apparently monitored in real time by state security services (possibly in several countries):


Maybe worth documenting a bunch of these dodgy ads some day and reporting to some government advertising bodies to see if any fines could be imposed, Google clearly don't do proper verification of whose ads they run especially the investment scam ads they proliferate

Looked at Youtube and Google News on my phone which I don't normally do and the amount of ads is crazy. I got a few outright scam ones (Musk wants to give you money) and reported them. A lot less ads all of a sudden (no ads at all in the News app anymore), funny how that works.

She's a 10 but she's a CVE

in hindsight, snark via strikethrough may have been a tactical error on my part

Quote from a newsletter post by Molly White: "But even the bitcoin ETFs are approved and it fails to have significant price impact, I think we will still all be able to celebrate bitcoin achieving an important milestone towards its original goals. Finally, people will be able to turn their money into an [begin strikethrough] anonymous peer-to peer [end strikethrough] asset [begin strikethrough] outside of government control, to which they own their own keys and thus control completely,[end strikethrough]  with [begin strikethrough] out having to involve powerful financial institutions like [end strikethrough] BlackRock." Screenshot of text from a separate article: "We’ll close our coverage with the line of the day from tech blogger/Wikipedia super-editor Molly White: 'Finally, people will be able to turn their money into an anonymous peer-to peer asset outside of government control, to which they own their own keys and thus control completely, without having to involve powerful financial institutions like BlackRock.'"

None of the text is struck out.

Using sock puppet accounts to defend corporations embroiled in scandals is my passion.

[christmas day]

schrödinger: *handing a box to his daughter* open it honey

daughter: *already crying* daddy please no

Wait, NORAD tracks my sleigh? In real-time?! This is outrageous! I never gave permission for this!

Goodness gracious, all I want to do is break into your houses and leave gifts relative to how good I think you’ve been, which I’ve been tracking meticulously in my book along with your constant whereabouts and sleeping patterns.
