

0daystolive | @[email protected]

Opinions are those of my employer.
Computer Hacker.
Work @ https://sorcery.ie
Blog @ https://0daysto.live

MyBB RCE in Admin Panel using ReDoS https://blog.sorcery.ie/posts/mybb_acp_rce/ CVE-2023-41362 #redos #rce #php #mybb

SQLi in SimpleImportProduct Prestashop Module CVE-2023-39675 https://blog.sorcery.ie/posts/simpleimportproduct_sqli/

XSS in FieldPopupNewsletter Prestashop Module CVE-2023-39676 https://blog.sorcery.ie/posts/fieldpopupnewsletter_xss/ #prestashop #xss

Up to 0$! Wow, amazing. I'll get right on that...


we're running out of room
there's too much memory pressure
it's gonna cause some errors

I made a small patch to CPython, and it was 100% worth it

(SyntaxError -> SkillIssue)
Terminal screenshot showing a python repl: SkillIssue: closing parenthesis ']' does not match opening parenthesis '('


there is no breach
there is no vulnerability
there are no zero days
*jedi wave*


xss is just a loser's rce

The goal of "longtermism" and most AI evangelism or Singularity woo is to make trivial things sound important at the expense of actually important things so you will give these people money.

"This page looks better in the app!"

idk, random tech company, sounds like that's more of a you problem

Another blog post about my arch setup and changes I made post-install

@ciaranmak do you find linkedin handy for getting pentest work? Not sure if it's worth signing onto it or not

You know a piece of software is going to go hard when the manual opens up with a epigraph about God

Next: The GNU Build System, Previous: Autoconf, Up:
Autoconf [Contents [Index]
1 Introduction
A physicist, an engineer, and a computer scientist were discussing the nature of God. "Surely a Physicist," said the physicist, "because early in the Creation, God made Light, and you know, Maxwell's equations, the dual nature of electromagnetic waves, the relativistic consequences...» "An Engineer!," said the engineer,
"because before making Light, God split the Chaos into Land and Water; it takes a hell of an engineer to handle

Struggling to put my finger on something that's been bothering me for the last few years. I think it's that all around me people are trying to use technology to run every system at maximum capacity/efficiency. I think it's one of the most self-destructive economic and social trends.

To begin with, there are lots of low hanging fruit available to increase efficiency in any system. Load boxes in a delivery van in the rough order that they're due to be delivered.

Why do they call them graveyards when they could call them ghost estates

Posted a blog post about install arch linux on my laptop https://0daysto.live/posts/arch_linux_framework_setup/

This ongoing thing in a v. niche bit of academia features the familiar world of plagiarism, the exotic world of antiquarian booksellers, the queasy world of tiny, possibly fake presses, and the comical world of Mitteleuropean Academia, which can make US/UK academia look like a Jeffersonian democratic paradise by comparison.

Part I: https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/nobody-cares-about-your-blog.html

Part II: https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-part-i-staff.html

Part III: https://mssprovenance.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-receptio-rossi-affair-part-ii.html?m=1

Just posted about how I set up my Pleroma instance: https://0daysto.live/posts/personal_pleroma_instance_setup/

Tired: Penetration Test findings with High/Medium/Low risk ratings
Wired: Penetration Test findings that use Chess annotation symbols

Screenshot of the Wikipedia table on chess move annotations
